Insect extermination, sterilization, non-medication facilities, agricultural machinery show their skills

Walking into the planting base, the first thing you see is a solar insect killer. This is a professional agricultural insect killer. It has a large trapping range and good insect killing effect. It reduces the use of pesticides and can reduce the impact of pesticides on the environment and soil. pollution. After entering the greenhouse, the participants checked the use of agricultural machinery on the spot. Among them, the ozone generator is the most concerned by everyone, and the provincial agricultural machinery experts explained the working principle: "We know that ozone dissolved in water can achieve the effect of sterilization and disinfection. This instrument is a good plant protection instrument in the form of water mist, which sterilizes the greenhouse environment and effectively promotes the healthy growth of plants." Seeing that there are several silver-white headlights on the top of the greenhouse, this is the newly introduced plant supplement light. In case of rainy days or insufficient light in winter, turn on the supplement light to promote photosynthesis, which is suitable for the growth of eggplant vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

The space electric field looks like a wire, and it is unexpected that it can play a role in disinfection and sterilization. It is really advanced." "With the integration of water and fertilizer equipment, water and fertilizer will be saved in the future and sprayed evenly." "The electric picking truck is light and compact, with adjustable speed, suitable for greenhouse use, and can also be used in orchards, saving manpower handling."... After the on-site meeting, the participants talked about their feelings one by one. A piece of powerful and convenient facility agricultural machinery not only opens the eyes of growers, but also allows grassroots technicians to see the convenience and environmental protection of facility agricultural machinery.

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